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REFERENCES for BIOTROFIX - Preclinical CRO & Contract Research Firm BIOTROFIX - Premier Preclinical CRO - Stroke, Alzheimer's, ALS, TBI Research - Seth P. Finklestein, M.D., CEO REFERENCES for BIOTROFIX - Preclinical CRO & Contract Research Firm Finklestein SP references, publications, articles on preclinical research, drug development, cardiac disease and preclinical drug discovery - Seth P. Finklestein M.D.
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Cerebrolysin enhances functional recovery following focal cerebral infarction in rats.

1. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2007;25(1):25-31.

Cerebrolysin enhances functional recovery following focal cerebral infarction in rats.

Ren J, Sietsma D, Qiu S, Moessler H, Finklestein SP.

ViaCell Neuroscience, ViaCell, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA.

BACKGROUND: Cerebrolysin, a preparation derived from porcine brain, contains a
mixture of neurotrophic peptides. We tested the effects of Cerebrolysin in a
model of stroke recovery in rats.

METHODS: Cerebrolysin (1.0, 2.5, or 5.0 ml/kg) was administered once daily
intraperitoneally for 21 days, starting 24 hours after focal cerebral infarction
(stroke) due to middle cerebral artery occlusion in mature rats.

RESULTS: Enhancement of sensorimotor recovery, as assessed by forelimb and
hindlimb placing and body swing tests, was seen with Cerebrolysin treatment,
especially at the 2.5 ml/kg dose. At this dose, enhanced recovery was found when
Cerebrolysin treatment was begun at 24 or 48 (but not 72 hours) after stroke
onset. There were no effects on body weight or infarct volume when Cerebrolysin
was administered in this manner.

CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that Cerebrolysin may be a useful treatment
for enhancing neurological recovery after stroke.

PMID: 19729580 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Biotrofix is a premier preclinical contract research organization specializing in animal models of CNS, cardiac and vascular disease. With years of experience, both academic, commercial, clients throughout the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, Biotrofix delivers industry-leading preclinical CRO services, including rodent models of acute stroke and stroke recovery, preclinical CRO services for Alzheimer's Disease, transgenic animal models for ALS, as well as CRO services for brain injury, preclinical CRO services for spinal cord injury and related cardiac drug discovery and development.